Meeting Sundays   –   10:30   –   Oehler’s Barn 4503 Ridge Rd, Charlotte, NC 28269   – 704.838.5350

This week, Pastor James continues our sermon series “Song of Solomon: Greatest Loves Songs.” Miss a previous sermon? Here’s the link to give it a listen on your drive home this afternoon! Song of Solomon Sermon Series.


The Nest women’s ministry at Ren is hosting two book clubs this summer. Here’s the info!

Conversation Peace: The Power of Transformed Speech (Mary Kassian)

Kickoff is June 20th @ Tana Sivick’s house, led by Pam Pounds. The first night, the group will decide which dates to meet again. Sign up Here!

Rest: Living in Sabbath Simplicity (Keri Wyatt Kent)

This group meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month on June 13th, July 11th & August 8th. Jessica Carter hosts this book club from 6:30-8:30 pm. Click Here to Sign Up!

Have questions? Just email Rachael Rovenstine or!

THIS Sunday, June 18th, Renegade is OFF due to the Father’s Day holiday. Take some time to let your dad, grandpa, uncle & every other fatherly figure whom Jesus has placed in your life know just how much you love & appreciate ’em!

NEXT Wednesday, June 21st from 5:00-8:00 pm is the Random Indoor Adventure @ the Farnsleys’ house (229 Candle Ct NW Concord, NC 28027). Dinner is provided, along with an awesome time hanging out in the great air-conditioned indoors. Students, text a friend & drop on by for a great time as we beat the summer heat. See ya’ then!

On July 8th, a team from Christ Point will have the honor of traveling back to Honduras with Children’s Impact Network to visit an orphanage & share the gospel with children in local villages. We believe that God is a global God & that He has a heart for the nations. God continues to move our church family towards those often forgotten & marginalized in society.

During our time, we’ll continue to build relationships with the orphans, work on necessary projects around the facility & minister in local villages.

We’d like to invite you to partner with us in 2 ways. FIRST, we covet your prayers. Someone once said that prayer is sending influence to places you may never see. SECONDLY, we’d also like you to prayerfully consider giving financially. Each team member is raising $1,600 to cover the cost of airfare, lodging, food & materials.

You may make a tax-deductible donation in one of two ways:

Thank you for partnering with us as we GO!

Honduras Team #3

Billy & Ava Gwaltney                                     Denise & Brosnan Long

Emeline & Libby Helms                                  Miranda Huffman

James & Caedmon Metsger


June 14th = Conversation Peace Book Club Begins

June 18th = Father’s Day

June 20th = Rest: Sabbath Simplicity Book Club Begins

June 25th = Love Offering for Honduras

July 2nd = Fourth of July Weekend

July 8-15th = Team #3 Mission to Honduras

July 23rd = Honduras Recap Sunday

July 29-30th = GONE Weekend