Team Leaders
Without our team leaders, we’d be a group with good ideas, but little action. Team leaders have been entrusted with leading key ministries at Christ Point. They faithfully serve, train, develop and equip our people to use their God-given gifts and abilities. We couldn’t do the work of the ministry without them.

Christ Point Kids:
Jodi Richardson
Jodi is from Pittsburgh, Pa and moved to the Charlotte area in 2006. She and her husband Wes have three little girls, Anna, Ruthie, and Phoebe-who all make life much more hilarious each day! Jodi has a passion for teaching BIG things to little people in creative and engaging ways. She loves to teach the gospel to kids and to remind them of how much they are loved by Jesus. Jodi also loves teaching art at Hope Academy, having dance parties with her daughters, drinking large quantities of coffee and going on dates with her husband.

Christ Point Students:
Phil Roe
Phil and his family are so thankful to be a part of Christ Point Church. Phil and Anne have been married since 1998 and spend their days with their two teenage sons, Henry and Eli. Phil loves to connect with people and gladly accepts any adventure you throw his way! His heart is to abide in Jesus and to love and serve people well.

Christ Point Women:
Anna Pierce
Anna delights in Jesus and the life He offers! She loves to connect with people in every season and stage of life. She has a passion to see them fall deeply in love with their Creator and to know Him intimately. Anna finds joy in everyday life, and her favorite thing is making memories with family and friends. She and her three children, Aiden, Benjamin, and Naia, are grateful to call Christ Point home.

Christ Point Groups:
James Metsger
James talked Melissa into marrying him in 2001. Since then, Caedmon, Noah, and Amelia have rounded out their starting five. James joined the staff team at Christ Point in 2007. He loves preaching the word, walking with and caring for people. If he’s not scratching sermon notes on his dry erase board he’s sipping coffee with a friend asking, “How are you really doing?” When James isn’t at the office he’s at home chasing a soccer ball with his kids or chasing after his wife.

Christ Point Missions & Impact:
Billy Gwaltney
Billy Gwaltney is a rare find ‘round these parts—a native to Charlotte! He’s married to Ann Marie and has two great kids, Gavin and Ava. When he’s not drinking an unsweet tea, Billy is frequently developing leaders at Christ Point and serving on mission trips to the Middle East and Central America.