And We’re Launched!
RenMen had a great launch of our new “Prodigal God” series this week, and we’d love for you to join us for session #2 next Monday, April 18th at 6:30pm at Punchy’s Diner. Miss the preview? No worries, you can just go & click right…about…HERE.
Got Questions? Email |
Renegade’s Spring Getaway
Be a part of Renegade’s first ever Spring Getaway! We’ll hit the road to drive to Roaring Gap & hike to the summit of Stone Mountain (NC), spend some time listening for Jesus’ voice outside of our typical Sunday rhythm & grab a meal on the road on the way home. Every student receives a devotional to use throughout the day & in the weeks following our return home.
Turn in your permission slip (available HERE) by this Sunday, April 17th to reserve your spot & bring your $20 to turn in when your parents check you in. Please also bring our Spring 2016 Permission Waiver if you don’t already have one on file with us. Thanks!
What to Bring: Backpack with sack lunch & water bottle for hike, $10-12 cash for afternoon food stop, closed-toe shoes, Bible/notebook/pen & any necessary medications to turn in to leaders prior to departure
P.S. – We have a backup plan in case it rains. |
Renegade’s Night of Laughs
Renegade “Night of Laughs” is this Sunday, April 17th for high school & middle school students from 5:00-6:30pm at Odell Baptist. We’ll be watching the“Rockstar Comedy Show” featuring Tim Hawkins, John Branyan & Bob Smiley. Pizza & drinks are provided. Each student is asked to bring a bag of chips OR a dessert. It’s a great night to invite a friend! |
Come change lives with us!
Have a love for Jesus & a passion for investing in the lives of kids? If that’s the case, we’d love for you to pray & consider this…
Over time, the impact of dedicated Village volunteer can be life-changing! When an adult takes time to show up in a child’s life, share the gospel, pray with them & cheer them on, the trajectory of their life can change completely! Kids begin to see God for who He is and, God-willing, children will choose to follow Him!
RenVillage has several opportunities for YOU to partner with us to change lives! They include…
- 2 Scholars Volunteers (4th & 5th)
- 2 Navigators Volunteers (5’s-1st)
- 2 Explorers Volunteers (2’s-4’s)
- 1 Jr. Explorers Volunteers (birth-1’s)
- 1 Greeter (welcome families/assist with tags)
Game to join our team? Need more info? Email

Passion for Worship Arts?
Here at Ren, we’re blessed with incredibly talented people who serve with our worship team to lead us in worship each Sunday morning. If you are gifted and have a passion for any of the following…
Playing an Instrument
Singing Lead or Background Vocals
Running AV or Sound
…then we would LOVE for you to pray about auditioning to serve with our worship team!
Got questions or need more info? Email our worship leader Charity Helms.

Great Retreat, Ladies of The NEST!
Thanks to everyone who helped plan & lead The Nest’s spring retreat last weekend. We appreciate everyone who prayed for our wonderful women over the course of those 2 days. Can’t wait for the next one!
