Come Sunday and find out why it’s better to eat pizza with friends than to eat veggies alone!
Women of Christ Point: The women’s retreat, Woman, Get Real! is planned for Friday and Saturday, September 24th & 25th at High Pastures in Burnsville, NC. A table will be set-up before and after the service with more information and sign-up sheets. The cost is $60 and there is a limited number of spaces! You can also register on-line at Scholarships are available.
Need a 242 home? It’s not too late to get connected. Contact James at to sign up for a group meeting in your neighborhood.
Save the date! The next teammate class is scheduled for September 12th and will be from 3:45-6:00pm.  If you’ve attended Discover Christ Point then this is your next step. It’s a chance for you to commit to Christ Point and be a part of waking the soul of suburbia with the gospel of Christ. Please contact Dustin at if you can make it.
If you haven’t already, make sure you pick up your Christ Point binder! A $10 donation is appreciated but not required.