RenMen Cookout RenMen will have our Cooking, Camaraderie & Comedy night this Monday, June 27th @ 6:30pm at the Chopins’ place (1310 Inverness Place Concord, NC 28027). Hamburgers & hotdogs are provided. Bring a side dish or drink & a friend, neighbor or co-worker. We’ll watch Tim Hawkins in “I’m No Rockstar,” play some cornhole, dominate some dart catching, fling some footballs, etc. Got Questions? Email renmen@christpoint.com ____________________________________ Renegade Summer Style Renegade meets summer style this Sunday, June 26th at 9:00am in the Sullivan Room at the YMCA. Come prepared for donuts & coffee. Oh, and be ready to laugh. By the way, if students’ parents & younger siblings want to hang out until the worship service starts, we’ll have extra donuts & coffee for them! ____________________________________ Interesting Study It’s great to prepare ourselves for the doors the Holy Spirit opens for us as we reach out to our friends, neighbors & co-workers. Check out some of Barna’s latest research about how Americans view morality. ____________________________________ |