Meeting Sundays   –   10:30   –   Oehler’s Barn 4503 Ridge Rd, Charlotte, NC 28269   – 704.838.5350

Anyone interested in participating in our mission trip to Honduras this summer, please put this meeting on your calendar!  The informational meeting will be held on this Sunday, February 26th immediately following our worship service.  The trip itself takes place July 8-15, 2017. All who are interested in learning more about this mission opportunity is encouraged to attend!


It’s time for Village students and student assistants to prepare for our     next unit of the Gospel Project! Jodi (our new Children’s Director) invites all      of you to meet this Sunday, February 26th at 9:00 am in the Sullivan Room.

You’ll officially meet Jodi’s husband, Wes, and their two little girls, Anna and Ruthie, and hear Jodi’s heart for The Village ministry.

We’ll also have yummy snacks to share, so that’s always a plus!

Join us as we continue to study the book of Exodus on Wednesday nights at Jennifer Moore’s house (607 Gatsby Place NW, Concord 28027) OR on Thursday mornings at Metrolina Church (9450 Moss Plantation Avenue NW, Concord 28027).

Have questions? Email Rachael Rovenstine @!

THE BOOK: A 4-Week Series on Scripture

Every week we open the Bible to hear what God says to us, but is his word reliable? Can we trust it? At times the Bible can be confusing and if we don’t understand the story, it’s easy to get lost. Sometimes Scripture seems to give us more questions than answers. How did we even get the Bible? Who decided what books to include? Why are there so many translations and what translation is best?

Beginning in March we will spend four weeks during the 9:00 hour prior to our worship service discussing the ancient Scriptures. We hope to answer some important questions regarding God’s Word. We’d love you to come.

Childcare is provided for those who need it. We just need to know you need it. Please sign up and let us know you’re coming. Click Here to Register Now!

Is coffee your jam? Looking for a way to  plug into Ren? Do we have an offer for  you!  We’re looking for some folks who  would be willing on a rotating basis to  help brew the coffee for our Sunday  services! No experience– or even a love for coffee– required!  On-the-job training provided, because you know– pushing a brew button is a hard job but someone has to do it!  Please email Denise if you’re interested @ Denise@Christ to get more information!

Renegade students who serve as student leaders in The Village will join the all-Village huddle at 9:00 am in the Sullivan Room (where Renegade usually meets).

Students who don’t currently serve as student assistants are still encouraged to join us for donuts to hear from Jodi, our Children’s Director, about the exciting things that God is doing in our kids’ ministry.  After hearing her heart, you might just want to dive in and be a part of what’s happening!  See ya’ there!

Our series, “Right in the Eye: The Book of Judges” continues this week.

Join us on Monday nights @ 6:30 p.m. OR Wednesday mornings @ 6:00 a.m. Both studies are taking place at the church office (Suite 430 in the Smith Tower at Charlotte Motor Speedway).

Questions? Email