Name Calling
By James Metsger
See the great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are. (1 John 3:1)
When I was a kid, I was called names. I was an easy target. For starters, I wore goofy glasses. I heard “Four eyes!” a time or two. In elementary school, I was referred to as “husky.” At least that’s what my jeans called me, but I knew what that meant. Some of the names were more hurtful than others. I suspect I’m not the only one to be on the receiving end of a harmful name. We’ve all been called names. Even God has given you a name. He calls you his child.
You’re God’s kid, and He’s crazy about you. As His son or daughter, you experience the unique privileges of being a child of God. As God’s children, you experience:
Security. When I was a kid, my dad said, “It’s going to be ok.” I believed him. I know now this was a parenting trick to sooth my uncertainty, but with God, it’s 100% true. As a child of God, you are secure. Even in the midst of very real problems, your future hope is secure.
Intimacy. A child’s relationship with his or her parent is different than any other relationship. I’ve met a lot of cool kids. I’ve enjoyed my fair share of conversations with kids, and I’ve left many conversations thinking, “That’s a cool kid!” But there are only three kids I leave a conversation with and say, “That’s my kid.” As a child of God, you have intimacy with your Father.
Inheritance. Someday, my children are going to inherit my massive fortune (I don’t have a massive fortune. Truthfully, I don’t even have a fortune). Regardless, what I have now will be theirs. What God has is yours. Think about that for a minute! As a child of God, you receive the riches of Christ Jesus.
God is calling you, but He’s not calling you names. He calls you his own.
Reflect: What are the benefits of being a child of God?