By Anne Roe
Lord, you alone are my portion and my cup; you make my lot secure. (Psalm 16:5)
A friend gifted me the book, Keep a Quiet Heart by Elizabeth Elliott during a time when my heartfelt anything but quiet. Good friends know things like that. I have dog-eared so many pages in thisbook claiming, “No, THIS is the best one so far,” only to flip the page and dog-ear it too. There is suchwisdom packed in each short article; reading them felt like the perfect prescription for my not so quietheart. Take this wisdom, three times a day for 14 days and voila, peace!
Out of all of “THE BEST” dog-eared pages, one discussed Psalm 16:5, which reads, “Lord, you aloneare my portion and my cup; you make my lot secure.” Elizabeth Elliott referenced that our lovingFather has perfectly assigned our portion and cup and if He is sovereign over everything, why do wethink He has suddenly or seemingly mis-measured?
“Do I really think God mis-measured?” I ask myself as I feel the weight of navigating a globalpandemic with an immunocompromised kiddo. “Do I really think God mis-measured?” I ask myself asI clean another toilet and wonder what happened to my brain that used to like to solve complexproblems and now sometimes feels overwhelmed by a meal plan. “Do I really think God mis-measured?” I ask myself when I wonder how to talk about big sin issues in the world and in our homewith two teenagers.
Knowing God’s word and asking ourselves clarifying questions about it allows our hearts to landin truth instead of the sea of emotions, thoughts, whims or schemes
I know God’s word says that Healone is my portion and my cup. And what that really means to me is that He has measured out all thatis in front of me. And if He has measured out everything in front of me, then that is exactly what Hehas for me. Even if I don’t want a pandemic or chronic illness or sin or chores in front of me, God hasportioned that work for me, for my good and for His glory. And when I take God’s truth and apply it,things just fit into place better. God is sovereign; I am not. He is in control; I am not.
My heart gets loud and cranky when left to form my own thoughts and questions. Somedays thosesound like: “Why, God? What is going on, Lord?” or a personal one on repeat, “When will this be better,Lord?” My heart gets quiet when I ask questions rooted in truth: “Do I really think you’ve mis-measured?” The short answer is, I don’t. I don’t think God has mis-measured; in fact I know He hasn’t.His word reveals story after story of His sovereignty and goodness, His faithfulness and love. My lifehas countless, unmistakable marks of that same sovereign, good, faithful and loving God…..
One of those: good friends who know things and remind me to keep quiet heart.