Meeting Sundays   –   10:30   –   Oehler’s Barn 4503 Ridge Rd, Charlotte, NC 28269   – 704.838.5350

Res News | August 16th, 2017

All of us come from a family that’s just a little crazy. We want our families to look like a Norman Rockwell painting, but there is a lot of dysfunction around our picture-perfect tables. Sadly, the church family is no different. We come to the table with grand...

Ren News | August 9th, 2017

All of us come from a family that’s just a little crazy. We want our families to look like a Norman Rockwell painting, but there is a lot of dysfunction around our picture-perfect tables. Sadly, the church family is no different. We come to the table with grand...

Ren News | August 2nd, 2017

All of us come from a family that’s just a little crazy. We want our families to look like a Norman Rockwell painting, but there is a lot of dysfunction around our picture-perfect tables. Sadly, the church family is no different. We come to the table with grand...