Meeting Sundays   –   10:30   –   Oehler’s Barn 4503 Ridge Rd, Charlotte, NC 28269   – 704.838.5350

New RenMen Study

Men of Ren, our new series launches this Monday, January 11th @ 6:30pm at Punchy’s Diner (550 Concord Pkwy N Concord, NC 28027). We’ll tackle “33: The Series” and explore what it means to be the men that God calls us to be. See a preview HERE. And for more info, email

The Village

As we get back into our normal rhythm following the holidays, it helps to hear some encouragement about the importance of our role as parents. Click HERE to listen to the podcast “If Not You, Then Who?” No matter how chaotic (and sometimes hopeless) our lives may feel, our kids need us more than we think. God gave us the role to do what no one else can do in the lives of our kids, and he wants to help us navigate it through each phase as our kids grow and mature.

Renegade Students

Renegade is kicking off the New Year for high school and middle school students with a special “War Room” movie event this Sunday, January 10th from 5:00-7:00pm at Odell Baptist. Popcorn and drinks provided. Students should bring their favorite movie snack and a friend. Come learn what it means to wield prayer as our most powerful weapon in 2016.

January Women’s Event

Hey ladies of Ren, our first event of the year is January 15th at 7:00pm at Odell Baptist. Dessert  provided. Invite a friend, neighbor or co-worker to join us!


TheNest Studies

The Nest Women’s Ministry is bringing two great Bible study choices to you this spring…

Option #1: Wednesday Nights

Our WednesdayPM group will be studying the book of Acts. “Observe Paul’s transformation from persecutor of the church to preacher. Join him on his journeys across the Roman world to proclaim the saving message of Jesus to Jews and Gentiles. Learn how to witness and how to live an authentic Christian life in all circumstances in the power of the Holy Spirit.” This is a Precepts study and will be taught by Jane Dearing beginning January 27th.

Option #2: Thursday Mornings

Our ThursdayAM group will study a book called “Seamless.” In 8 weeks, “Seamless covers the people, places, and promises of the Bible, tying them together into the greater story of Scripture. Participants will gain an overarching understanding of the fundamental layout and meaning of God’s Word.” Seamless will be taught by Jen Goins and Kim VonOlhausen beginning January 28th.

Both studies are held at Odell Baptist Church (6320 Davidson Hwy, Concord, NC). Send an email to to sign up today!