Meeting Sundays   –   10:30   –   Oehler’s Barn 4503 Ridge Rd, Charlotte, NC 28269   – 704.838.5350

Top 5 (Values)

Every church exists to glorify (make much of) God and make disciples of His Son Jesus Christ. But not every church does it the same way. That’s fine with us. Christ Point Church believe God has established many outposts to advance His way of life in this world. The Top 5 narrows our target, shapes our thinking, and guides what we do, and more importantly, what we don’t do.

What excites us?

EXALT. We exist to make much of Christ. Life is about him. Christ is our treasure and our joy. We exist to enjoy him and see him as great. We will elevate his name and celebrate what he has done, what he is doing, and what he will do.

EQUIP. We teach people how to fish. Jesus said, “I will make you fishers of men (and women!).” In just three years he equipped his followers to change the world. We know we live in a transient and mobile culture. If you are here for 3 months, 3 years, or 3 decades, we want to equip you to change the part of the world Jesus sends you.

PARTNER. We strategically partner with others who are risking to take back lost territory. We will cheer for and support people within our own church who are courageously risking in such a way that if God doesn’t show up nothing happens. We will also generously support and foster relationships with other churches, non-profits, and organizations who are risking for the kingdom.

PRAY. We are desperate and needy. God is able and all sufficient. We will be a people who pray for God to do great things for his name’s sake.

CARE. We are a family for those without a family. We care for the people in our church and celebrate and care for those who are serving outside our church. We will love our people well and walk with them through times of rejoicing and times of sorrow.