=09 =20
Discover Christ Point. Want
to know more about our story and what Christ Point is all about? Sign up
for the next DR on Sunday night, August=
8 from 5:15-7:30 pm. We’ll=20
spring for dinner and take care of your children. But you need to sign=20
up to reserve your spot. Register TODAY!
You Go=
Respect the Fro YAFI Takes on Mr. Elusive. I=
‘m not sure where you are on the Holy Spirit Spectrum. Probably somewhere b=
etween “Holy-Slain-Tongue-Speaking-Roller” and “Keep-the-Spirit-Safely-in-t=
he-Intellectual-Cellar-Dweller.” How do we experience someone Jesus compare=
d to an uncontrollable wind? Why do the gifts of the Spirit cause such divi=
sion? See you Sunday.YAFI’s Summer Sche=
July 18 – Holy Spirit 101July 25 – Why is their only o=
ne way? World ReligionsAug 1 – Managing Money in a Tough Economy=
Aug 8 – Why d=
o bad things happen to good people? Or conversely, Why do good things happe=
n to bad people?
Aug 15 – The Big Debate (Predestination vs. Free Will=
Aug 22 – Creation vs. Evolution (Guest Professor from Gordon Conwell =
Theological Seminary)
Vitamins for Orphans. We’re sending daily strength to orphans! Wrap a dollar around =
containers of hard chewable vitamins and drop them off at church in the mon=
th of July.
Return of the Prodigal Son=
. All RenMen interested in going through t=
he book by Henri Nouwen, put down Sundays, Aug 15, 22, and 29 on your calen=
dars. We’ll meet at 8 and go until about 10. Email me if you haven’t signed up yet.PreSeason Kick-Off, “Celebration at the Speedway.” Every year we hold an all church meeting where we look back at the milesto=
nes from the last year and look forward to the mountain peaks we’ll be clim=
bing in the coming year. Clear Friday night, August 27, 7:30-9:30 pm on you=
r calendars. Go ahead and book the =
babysitter. You won’t want to miss it. W=
e’ll have dessert at the Speedway.
Love you guys, “Sunday’s Coming!”
=09 =20
Join Us at the W. Cabarrus YMCA, Sundays, 10 AM
Mailing Add=
8611 Concord Mills Blvd, STE 132
Concord, North Carolina 28027
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