Meeting Sundays   –   10:30   –   Oehler’s Barn 4503 Ridge Rd, Charlotte, NC 28269   – 704.838.5350

Family Worship Experience

Parents of children ages 5-5th grade can click HERE to download a discussion guide to prepare them for our family worship experience taking place during the service this Sunday. Care will be provided for birth-4’s during the service in their normal classrooms.

June 12th • Silly Summer Sunday (PAJAMA DAY)

June 19th  Father’s Day & Infant Dedication

VBS at West Green Apartments

Ren has an incredible opportunity this summer to host a VBS for families who live in the West Green apartment complex July 25th-27th from 8:30am-12:30pm. We need 12 volunteers each day to make this happen, so whether you can serve all 3 days or even 1-2 days. The deadline to join our team is Sunday, June 12th, so contact Charity today!

Renegade Student Ministries

Renegade meets for “Let’s Do Lunch” this Sunday, June 5th from 11:45am-1:00pm. Head over the Afton Ridge Arby’s (down the stretch from Chick-fil-a & Starbucks) after church & enjoy time with your fellow Renegades. We’ll see ya’ then, high schoolers & middle schoolers!


The NEST’s Summer Book Club

Ladies, you can order the book & begin reading it now. Then we’ll meet on Friday, June 24th to discuss the book with Dara Scheer will be leading & hosting! Here’s a brief summary:

Gift From the Sea

“Anne Morrow Lindbergh’s classic Gift from the Sea helps women contemplate how to live a simple life in the midst of a complicated world. Take a virtual vacation this summer as we ponder Lindbergh’s thoughts on such topics as love, marriage, the work of the mother, friendship, the creative life, simplicity, solitude, generosity, communion, youth & age, all through the metaphor of beautiful seashells found on a quiet island.”



RenMen’s “WEIRD” Series

Our RenMen study meets this Monday, June 6th at 6:30pm at Punchy’s Diner for the next installment of our WEIRD series. See you then, men!

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