Meeting Sundays   –   10:30   –   Oehler’s Barn 4503 Ridge Rd, Charlotte, NC 28269   – 704.838.5350

Reminder:  We’re back to regular worship this Sunday, January 8, 2017.  See you at the Y @ 10:00 am!

Renegade is back in action on January 8th @ 9:00 am!

We’ll have a special guest joining us that morning, Mike’s friend Stephen who lives with his family in Tanzania translating the Bible into the language of the Bungu people!  Can’t wait for everyone to meet him, his wife and kiddos as we talk about why have thing Bible available in different languages is important.


a:  to investigate, study, or analyze:  look into
b:  to become familiar with by testing or experimenting

Explore Ren is a three-week class that allows both guests and those interested in learning more about Christ Point what moves and motivates us. In Week 1 you’ll grow to know our mission, vision, and values. In Week 2 you’ll get a big picture view of our beliefs. In Week 3 you’ll hear about our expectations for those who call Ren home.

We encourage you to attend each week. Childcare will be provided if needed. Please register by clicking here. We will meet on January 29th, February 5th & 12th from 9:00-9:45 in the group exercise room on the second floor.

Adult Teachers & Student Assistants

Please mark your calendars for an all-Village training coming up on Sunday, January 15th at 9:00am to be held at the Y.  More details soon.  And yes, there will be something delicious to eat!

The kickoff event for both of the men’s spring Bible studies (Monday night & Wednesday morning) is Monday, January 9th @ 6:30 p.m. More details and kickoff location TBA!

The first ever All-Ren Retreat is coming up this spring!  Everyone of all ages is invited to join us!  Mark your calendars for April 27-29, 2017 and we’ll have more details in the future.

The kickoff event for both of the ladies’ spring Bible studies (Wednesday night & Thursday morning) is Wednesday, January 11th @ 6:30 pm. More details & kickoff location TBA!