• Discover Christ Point. Want to know more about our story and what Christ Point is all about? Sign up for the next DR on Sunday night, August 8 from 5:15-7:30 pm. We’ll spring for dinner and take care of your children. But you need to sign up to reserve your spot.Register TODAY!
You Gotta Respect the Fro
• World Religions. Is it wrong to suggest that one way is better than another way? Don’t all religions have a piece of the truth but no one can really claim to have it all? Is it arrogant to insist your religion is right and try to covert others? This Sunday we’ll wrestle with these commonly asked questions, give an overview of a few major religions from 30,000 ft, and send everyone home with what I like to call an “ask your mother” gift.
• YAFI’s Summer Schedule:
• July 25 – Is My Religion Better than Your Religion? World Religions
• Aug 1 – Managing Money in a Tough Economy
• Aug 8 – Why do bad things happen to good people? Or conversely, Why do good things happen to bad people?
• Aug 15 – The Big Debate (Predestination vs. Free Will)
• Aug 22 – Creation vs. Evolution (Guest Professor from Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary)
• Vitamins for Orphans. We’re sending daily strength to orphans! Wrap a dollar around containers of hard chewable vitamins and drop them off at church in the month of July.
• Return of the Prodigal Son. All RenMen interested in going through the book by Henri Nouwen, put down Sundays, Aug 15, 22, and 29 on your calendars. We’ll meet at 8 and go until about 10. Email me if you haven’t signed up yet.
• PreSeason Kick-Off, “Celebration at the Speedway.” Every year we hold an all church meeting where we look back at the milestones from the last year and look forward to the mountain peaks we’ll be climbing in the coming year. Clear Friday night, August 27, 7:30-9:30 pm on your calendars. Go ahead and book the babysitter. You won’t want to miss it.We’ll have dessert at the Speedway
• Be praying church! Please be in prayer for Cindy Gann’s father who went in for surgery today to relieve pressure on his brain. God can heal!